Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hello!! I'm Alice, or as my family knows me, PanPan (hence the blog name). I've read manga and watched anime since I was a wee child, and although I've always been fascinated by Japanese culture I had never really dabbled in the language until just this past summer. A few of my friends and I went to Japan for our senior graduation trip and made it a friendly competition to see who could learn the most spoken Japanese before vacation-- the competition (and the trip!!) were both incredibly fun, and the adventure of it all was reason enough for me to decide to take Japanese at Princeton. I foresee difficulties in grammar and in knowing when to use hiragana/katakana/kanji but am excited to learn more about Japanese language and culture-- please follow along and explore with me!

Me and a しか (deer) in Nara!
Tempozan Ferris Wheel (aka only the BEST thing ever)


  1. The pictures are awesome! Looking forward to seeing more~

  2. Hello! My name is Koki Chujo. I am 21 years old. I live in Osaka in japan.
    My hobby is playing the guitar, playing basketball, snowboarding, and reading.
    I am happy that I can get this chance!
    I am interested in other culture.
    Please tell me your language, country, culture, and hobbies.
    I teach you about Japanese language and culture.
    Let go to next step together!!


    1. Nice to meet you Koki! I like to draw and play piano-- your hobbies all sound really fun too though C:
      Looking forward to talking to you more!!


    2. Thank you Alice!! I would like to play the guitar with your piano. I want to talk you too!!!

      CLANNADやBLACK RAGOONがすきだけど、ほかにもいっぱいあるかな!

    3. Haha I'd be happy to have a jam session if we ever meet!!
      わたしも Clannad がすき (I cried so much watching After Story though :'D) とらどらとけいおんをみましたか。

    4. I am looking forward to seeing you!!

  3. Hello, I am Yuichi Itani, 19 years old university student. Nice to meet you. I live in Osaka. I study English and business these days.
    にほんのぶんかはじぶんもすきです。ぜひにほんにきてたいけんしてみてください。にほんごはむずかしいとおもいますがべんきょうがんばってください!Good luck!!

    1. Nice to meet you Itani~ I went to Osaka just this past summer with my friends actually; we went to visit the Kaiyukan aquarium and the giant ferris wheel there!! とてもたのしかった。(*^▽^*)


    2. Oh! Really? Actually,The last day I visited the aquarium 'kaiyukan' is more than 8 years ago so you know kaiyukan much better than me! I often go to Universal Studio Japan (USJ) near kaiyukan. It's so exciting!

    3. Oh wow that sounds fun!! I went to the Universal Studios in Los Angeles once when I was younger, but I don't remember much about it hehe~

