Monday, March 21, 2016






それにえいがが二本見ました!私と友達はえいかんで Witch をみました。えいががとてもこわかったけど、私たちは好きでした。Room も見ました!Roomはすこしさびしかった。でも、とてもよかったです!>u<'

PE 6: Reflection

Ahhh time really flies! I can't believe that there're only two months or so left until summer :O

In reflection, I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with my original PE goals. I have been listening to Japanese music and consulting OJAD for phrases I'm not sure how to pronounce, but I have not been going to office hours or language table. (I have classes until 10 pm on Tuesdays and normally don't end up going to the dining hall D:) I'm going to try to get a little more ahead of my work for the rest of the term so that I can occasionally go to the Monday language table, though!
